The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis is the enchanting prequel to The Chronicles of Narnia, revealing the origins of Narnia and its timeless magic. The story follows young Digory Kirke and his friend Polly Plummer, who, after stumbling upon magical rings created by Digory's eccentric uncle, are transported to other worlds. In their journey, they encounter powerful beings and witness the creation of Narnia itself by the great lion Aslan. Along the way, they unleash an evil sorceress, the White Witch, whose presence will haunt Narnia for generations.
This imaginative adventure blends themes of courage, friendship, and the wonder of discovery, drawing readers into the spellbinding world of Narnia.
Key Features:
- Origin Story: A captivating prequel that sets the stage for the Narnia series.
- Beloved Characters: Meet Aslan and other iconic figures in their first appearances.
- Timeless Themes: Explores friendship, bravery, and the power of good versus evil.
Available now in our webshop, The Magician's Nephew is a must-read for fans of fantasy and the magical world of Narnia.