Doctor Sleep - Stephen King
Doctor Sleep by Stephen King is a haunting and thrilling sequel to the classic The Shining. The story follows Danny Torrance, now a troubled adult grappling with the traumatic memories of his childhood at the Overlook Hotel. As he struggles with alcoholism and the lingering effects of his psychic abilities, he encounters a young girl named Abra who possesses a unique gift of her own. Together, they face the terrifying True Knot, a cult of psychic vampires that prey on children with special powers.
Key Features:
- Masterful Storytelling: A chilling continuation of Danny's journey that explores themes of trauma, addiction, and redemption.
- Richly Crafted Characters: Deeply developed characters that draw readers into their struggles and triumphs.
- Bestselling Authors: Stephen King, the legendary king of horror, and Peter Straub, known for their captivating narratives.
Available now in our webshop, Doctor Sleep is a must-read for fans of horror and psychological thrillers, delivering a gripping tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat.