A Painted House: A Novel - John Grisham
A Painted House by John Grisham is a poignant coming-of-age story set in rural Arkansas during the 1950s. The novel follows seven-year-old Luke Chandler as he navigates the complexities of family, class, and childhood innocence amidst the backdrop of a cotton farm. As Luke witnesses the lives of migrant workers, local families, and the secrets they harbor, he learns profound lessons about life, love, and the struggles of growing up. With Grisham’s vivid storytelling, this novel moves beyond his legal thrillers to offer an evocative and heartfelt narrative.
Key Features:
- Richly Atmospheric: Set in the rural South, the novel paints a vivid picture of farm life and its challenges.
- Coming-of-Age Tale: A heartfelt story of a boy’s transition from innocence to experience.
- Bestselling Author: From John Grisham, known for his mastery in both legal and literary fiction.
Available now in our webshop, A Painted House is a must-read for fans of Grisham’s storytelling and anyone who enjoys powerful, character-driven narratives set against a rich historical backdrop.